Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009 in Lake Tahoe, NV

Thanksgiving 2009 was a special one...ALL the Jones from around the world (yes the Swiss made it!) descended on Tahoe City, NV for a family reunion and Thanksgiving feast. There is no Thanksgiving in Switzerland but they all joined in and had a good time. Pictured above is Anna and Aunt Carolyn...I don't think Anna's feet touched the ground the whole day!
Here we are...all bundled up on the dock. The girls loved the action and all the people to interact with. The weather was beautiful...albeit cold. A little snow on the ground but clear skies all week for us...beautiful sunrises as the sun rose from behind the mountains across the lake.

Here is the WHOLE crew. Pictured above on the dock are the following: (Front Row from left) Rob Jones, Sarah Jones, Robbie Jones, Sawyer Jones, Evelyn Jones Walter, Anna Walter, Terry Jones (back row from left) Clay Jones, JJ Jones, Christian Walter, Elizabeth Walter, Kathy Jones, Valerie, Tor Tuchschmid, Rebecca Tuchschmid, Patsy Jones, Carolyn Tuchschmid, Gilles Tuchschmid. Not pictured: Axel Tuchschmid.

Halloween - Clown and Cow

"Happy Cow" "mad cow" here! (Eat mor chik'n!!!)
Big Sis E loves to love on her Lil "Sista" as she says...

Trick or Treat!!!